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AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷

发布时间:2013-05-02 16:02:55
5月2日下午12点15分,上海奥迪国际赛车场准时上演了亚洲AFR方程式系列赛第三回合的比赛,凯飞车队三位车手表现神勇,包揽了全场前三名。    通过今天早上的排位赛,排在杆位发车的是第一次参加比赛的吴嘉伟,紧接其后的袁波和朱里奥。红灯熄灭,全部赛车同时起步,当车群进入到T1时,袁 ...

AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷  5月2日下午12点15分,上海奥迪国际赛车场准时上演了亚洲AFR方程式系列赛第三回合的比赛,凯飞车队三位车手表现神勇,包揽了全场前三名。
AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷  当比赛进行到第二圈的时候,两位来自ART车队的车手82号王家铨和11号周广林在T2发生碰撞,最后两位车手只能遗憾退赛。安全车带领两圈后赛事重新开始。这时来自KRC车队的康哲玮抓住机会,反超了当时排在第三位的吴嘉伟。可惜的是当赛事进行到最后一圈的时候,被吴嘉伟在大直路入T1处外线反超,最后以全场第四,亚洲组第二完赛。
AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷  在新闻发布会上,全场冠军袁波表示:“很高兴能来到上海参加亚洲AFR方程式系列赛。虽然之前我有参加一些房车比赛,但都不是以专业车手的身份参加。而今年参加AFR是为了能培养自己的赛车技术,希望这两年向方程式专业车手的方向发展。只有在方程式上积累更多的经验,才能向更高的国际赛事进军。”

AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷  Chinese racer Yuan Bo led a Champ Motorsport 1-2-3 with a dominant fashion in Round 3 of AFR held in Shanghai, while Julio Acosta claimed first in International Class.
  Starting from second on the grid, Yuan Bo made a great start and jumped pole sitter Ronald Wu at Turn 1, follower by Julio Acosta. Jason Kang then followed the trio in fourth place.
  An accident between ART teammates Thomas Chow and Leo Wong at Turn 2 prompted the safety car to deploy in Lap 2. The race resumed in Lap 4 as the battle between Jason Kang and Ronald Wu heat up.
  Kang once passed Wu at the middle stage of the race, but he eventually gave up his 3rd place after a mistake at the hairpin, which he claimed his tyres were worn out in the closing laps.
AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷  Meanwhile, at the front, although Acosta was mounting tremendous pressure on Yuan, he was able to keep up and took his maiden win in AFR Series. He also scored full points in the Asian Class. Julio Acosta came second, while winning the International Class as well.  Ronald Wu and Jason Kang claimed second in International and Asian Class respectively.
  Yang Xi from ART finished 5th overall and 3rd in international class, while a fierce battle between Kenneth Ma, Neric Wei and Tommy Chan provided great entertainment. Kenneth Ma eventually finished 6th ahead of the other 2 and scored a victory in Master Class. Neric Wei came 3rd in Asian Class, as Thomas Luedi finished 9th overall and 2nd in Master Class.
  Yuan Bo said that this victory is sensational for him. “It’s fun to race here at Shanghai,” said Yuan, “I wish I can make my mark in the professional AFR series, in order to place myself in the international level. After all, Formula Racing is the way up in my point of view.”

原标题:AFR方程式系列赛第三回合 凯飞车队大捷


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