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2013CTCC天马山周末打响 长安福特乘胜追击

发布时间:2013-06-04 22:00:25
2013中国房车锦标赛第三站将于6月9日在上海天马山赛车场重燃战火。从第二站上海F1赛场到现在,长安福特车队就一直在上海日夜不停工作,确保所有赛车完美出场。    上海天马山赛车场,短而蜿蜒,路面狭窄,因1号弯道远近闻名,车手没有更好的位置去超越前车,唯有保证很好的发车安全穿过T ...

2013CTCC天马山周末打响 长安福特乘胜追击  2013中国房车锦标赛第三站将于6月9日在上海天马山赛车场重燃战火。从第二站上海F1赛场到现在,长安福特车队就一直在上海日夜不停工作,确保所有赛车完美出场。
2013CTCC天马山周末打响 长安福特乘胜追击  凌绍章,车队经理表示:“这个赛道对车手转弯进入的控制和出弯的速度要求很高。新福克斯在弯道方面一直表现优秀,我相信它会再次给观众诠释它的优良性能。如果我没记错的话,在这两年内,这是我们第一次退离积分表首位。虽然暂时落后几分,但随着外界的期望和压力日趋上升,我们必须强烈进攻奋起直追,确保控制好我们所能控制的。”

2013CTCC天马山周末打响 长安福特乘胜追击  Round 3 of 2013 CTCC will take place at Shanghai Tianma Circuit on June 9th. After the last race in Shanghai F1 circuit, Chang’an Ford Racing Team has been staying in Shanghai making sure all the vehicles are in perfect shape to prepare for this coming race.
  Shanghai Tianma circuit, a short and winding track, was famous for its converging T1 and lack of passing locations so it is important to get a good start and go through T1 safely. But Chang’an Ford Racing Team has had good performance in this circuit. Especially Andy Yan, winner of the Shanghai race two weeks ago, that Tianma circuit is a blessed circuit for him. He took his first CTCC win in 2009 here and locked up his first driver Championship here in 2011. After two rounds of competition, he is in the top group to fight for the driver’s title again this year.
  One driver that will be watched for this race is Martin Xie. Although he raced in this circuit before but never raced in this class with a more powerful car. The race will certainly present a good test to him.
2013CTCC天马山周末打响 长安福特乘胜追击  John Ling, the team manager, indicated,” The track here asks for good turning in and exit speed. The New Focus always had good performance here and I am sure it will demonstrate these strong points again. If I do not remember wrong, this is the first time in two years that we are not on top of the championship points table. So even we are only a few points behind, the expectation and pressure are mounting so we have to push harder and making sure the items that we can control are under control.”

原标题:2013CTCC天马山周末打响 长安福特乘胜追击


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