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发布时间:2013-07-15 22:02:15
2013克里欧中国系列赛第三回合正赛,中国车手杨旭经过四面夹攻的激烈战斗后, 夺得首个冠军奖杯,香港车手陈鸿伟和唐绍裘位列二、三。B组冠军由66号车手叶兴平夺得。   开赛时,50号车手杨旭摆脱后车群,在1号弯顺利超越杆位发车者马汉华,位于4号发车位的唐绍裘也开始进攻追赶陈鸿伟, ...

克里欧系列赛第三回合:杨旭大获全胜  2013克里欧中国系列赛第回合正赛,中国车手杨旭经过四面夹攻的激烈战斗后, 夺得首个冠军奖杯,香港车手陈鸿伟和唐绍裘位列二、。B组冠军由66号车手叶兴平夺得。


克里欧系列赛第三回合:杨旭大获全胜  前车的位置不停的变化,马汉华也开始在直路赛段向杨旭发起进攻。他数次尝试超越杨旭,但是杨旭的严谨防守使得马汉华无法成功超车。他们在直路上齐驱并驾,杨旭甚至差点把马汉华逼进围墙,并紧紧捍卫着自己的首位。

  同时,陈鸿伟在第9圈超越唐绍裘,并全力争夺冠军。最后几圈战斗及其激烈,甚至出现国鼎立的局面。最后,马汉华失去第二位置留守到第四位,留下陈鸿伟和唐绍裘进攻杨旭。杨旭在后车进攻的情况下依然保全自己的首位,以0.139 秒的优势击败陈鸿伟摘得桂冠。唐绍裘和马汉华分居叁、四位。

克里欧系列赛第三回合:杨旭大获全胜  B组方面,黄毅虽然一度超过叶兴平,最后遗憾地失去宝座,叶兴平顺利夺冠。

克里欧系列赛第三回合:杨旭大获全胜  Chinese driver Yang Xu defeated Hong Kong’s Tommy Chan and Byron Tong to his maiden victory in Clio Cup China Series, after a tremendous 4-way battle throughout the race. Meanwhile, Ye Xingping won in Class B.

  At the start, Yang Xu made a great get-away and jumped pole-sitter Kenneth Ma at Turn 1, while Byron Tong, from 4th on the grid, made a move on Tommy Chan and took 3rd.

  After the starting shuffle, Kenneth Ma started to attack Yang Xu on the main straight. He tried to overtake Yang for a number of times but the defensive driving made overtaking hard. They went side by side at the main straight and nearly force Kenneth Ma into the pit wall, and Yang Xu kept his place.

克里欧系列赛第三回合:杨旭大获全胜  Meanwhile behind them, Tommy Chan passed Byron Tong at Lap 9, and began to close in for the lead battle. The last couple of lap became a 4-way battle and they even went 3-wide once. At last, Kenneth Ma lost 2 positions to 4th and let Tommy Chan and Byron Tong go for the final attack to Yang. Yang finally fought off the challenge from Tommy Chan and won it by just 0.139 seconds. Byron Tong 3rd, while Kenneth Ma can only settle for 4th.

  In Class B, Huang Yi once passed Ye Xingping but lost out to Ye during the race. Ye Xingping won it with a comfortable lead.



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